- Chapter5, 44, EDB and IDB
- Chapter6-BasicQuery, 29~32, Operational Semantics
- Introduction
Relational Model
- Terms
- Algebra (or called Operations)
Design Theory of Relational Model
- FD, MVD and Normal Forms
High-Level Database Models
- E/R Model
Logic Query Languages
- Datalog
- Comparation of Relational Algebra and Datalog Algebra
Database Langrage -- SQL
- Basic Query
- Subquery, Aggregation
- Join, Modification
- Transaction
Constraints and Triggers
- Keys and Foreign Keys
- Constraints on attributes and tuples
- Modification of constraints
- Assertions
- Triggers
Views and Indexes
- Views (virtual and materialized)
- Updatable views
- Indexes (creation, use) (B-tree, no standard)
- UNF: 全放一张表里,选个key
- 1NF \(\leftarrow\) Repeating Attributes Removed: 让key成为真的key,能够唯一确定一个tuple
- 2NF \(\leftarrow\) Partial Key Dependencies Removed: 消除key-nonkey's FD
- 3NF \(\leftarrow\) Non-Key Dependencies Removed: 消除nonkey-nonkey's FD
- BCNF \(\leftarrow\) Dependencies between Keys Removed: 消除key-key's FD
- 4NF \(\leftarrow\) Dependencies between Key Sets Removed: 消除MVD
- 5NF, PJNF 暂未理解,参考:wikipedia
- RNFN; SKNF; 6NF 还未看,参考:《数据库范式 1NF,2NF,3NF,BCNF,4NF,RFNF,SKNF,5NF,6NF》
- Operands: relations
Base Operators:
- Union: \(U\)
- Selection: \(\sigma_C\)
- Projection: \(\pi_L\)
- Products and Joins: \(\times, \Join, \Join_C\)
- Renaming: \(\rho_{<table-name, all-need-attributes>}\)
- Set
- Bag
Extended (Nonclassical) Operators:
- Duplicate-elimination(去重): \(\delta\)
- Extended projection(可加由函数生成的新列), \(\pi_L\)
- Sorting(以某些列为关键字排序): \(\tau_L\)
Grouping-and-Aggregation: \(\gamma\)
- Aggregation: Apply a function to all tuples in one column, such as: SUM, AVG, COUNT, MIN, MAX
- Grouping-and-Aggregation: Group with some columns and aggregation some other columns.
Outerjoin: \(\Join^o\)
- Join with NULL in empty cells, so that won't lose any information.
- This form of logic allows us to write queries in the relational model.
- Rule: head \(\leftarrow\) subgoals, they are atoms, and an atom consists of an predicate applied to some number of arguments.
- IDB and EDB
- Intensional Database and Extensional Database
- Relational algebra and datalog
SQL is case insensitive
- Only inside quoted strings does case matter
- Enviroment: One DBMS, Many Users
Transaction: A transaction is a sequence of one or more SQL operations treated as a unit.
- Result: Commit or Rollback
ACID Transaction:
- Atomic : Whole transaction or none is done.
- Consistent : Database constraints preserved.
- Isolated : It appears to the user as if only one process executes at a time.
- Durable : Effects of a process survive a crash.
Isolation Level:
- REPEATABLE READ: with phantoms
- READ COMMITTED: with nonrepeatable reads, phantoms
- READ UNCOMMITTED: with dirty reads, nonrepeatable reads, phantoms
- This is personal choice.
Read only transactions
Set transaction read only;
(before set level) - Help system optimize performance
- Independent of isolation level